Since comments rarely add informational or educational value and are mostly littered with hyperlinks to self-promotion, or unrelated websites, we do not seek time-consuming comment moderation. Thus, registration is restricted to those with author indent only and requires approval. Thanks for your understanding.
Since some users did not understand the note above, that registration is for authors only, we disabled this option. We’re actually no longer in need of additional authors anyway.
Please use the email below, use chat, or call us.
For Chat and Calls, When an agent is online just enter your name and email address to start the chat. You’ll then also have the option to call right from the chat facility by clicking on the phone icon
However, from a regular computer, you’ll need to have a microphone connected, and your web browser enabled to use the microphone.
When agents are offline just enter your name and email to receive a response, or just use the regular contact form.