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How to Connect With Your Soul and Live Free of Fear

How to Connect With Your Soul and Live Free of Fear

If you’re disconnected, you’re not the only one.

Most of us do not live in the present moment. We’re stuck in the past and others are way ahead in the future. But you can’t blame people. It’s difficult now more than ever to live in the present moment, not when there are painful things from the past hurting your heart and troubling your mind.

It’s hard to be present.

When the future is bleak and uncertain, it’s hard not to want to live there to be prepared. But when you’re living in the past or time traveling to the future, you’re in your mind.

When you’re in your mind, you’re operating from your ego, placing your soul in the backseat.

When you’re living in the past or time traveling to the future, you’re in your mind and operating from ego.

The Higher You Go

When you’re operating from your ego, you see that your emotions are always up and down. When you get what you want, you’re happy. But when things don’t go your way, the world is ending.

When something makes you feel happy, you feel on top of the world, but as soon as that thing is no longer there, you come crashing down.

You spiral into sadness, anxiety, or depression. The extreme that you feel happy is the extreme you come crashing down. The higher you go, the harder it hurts when you fall.

That’s how it is living in the mind and operating from the ego.

The soul is already whole and complete. It doesn’t need anything outside of its own system to feel happy.

When you’re living in the present moment, in your heart and from your soul, you have everything you need to be happy.

Your happiness isn’t outside of you.

There are no ups and downs. No highs and lows. Everything is smooth sailing because you’re in your own energy. Your own love, peace, and joy.

The higher you go, the harder it hurts when you fall.

The Soul’s Way

You know you’re living from your soul when you’re free of fear. You don’t sweat the small stuff. No anxiety, stress, or worry.

But in order to connect to your soul, you have to be completely present in the present moment.

The present moment is the soul’s gateway. It’s where the soul’s power lies.

It is in the present moment that you hear the silent whispers of the soul. It’s in the present moment that you catch the cool numbers on the clock. It is in the present moment that you pay attention to the sound of the birds or notice the feather on your path.

If you can live in the present moment where the past or future isn’t so appealing, you are in touch with your soul.

And when you’re connected to your soul, you’re naturally going to feel peace a lot of the time. You feel love and joy even amidst the storm.

  Author: Kimberly Fosu | Source | Photo by Photo: Leandro De Carvalho)​​ Bixabay


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