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5 Smart Reasons You Should Talk Less and Listen More

5 Smart Reasons You Should Talk Less and Listen More

If you want to be more persuasive start by listening

It’s a noisy world. We’re constantly bombarded with noise and chatter, whether it’s a commercial blaring on the television screen or a co-worker who never stops chattering. Such unrelenting noise can make quiet people feel uncomfortable and out of place.

If you happen to be naturally quiet, or even introverted, you might feel like a stranger in this land of noise and chatter. But there are benefits to talking less and listening more. Sometimes quiet people who are attentive listeners have the advantage. Here are some benefits of listening more and talking less.

Listening is a sign of respect; talking is a sign of insecurity
Listening is a sign of respect, while talking non-stop chatter may be a sign of insecurity. Some people talk because they need to fill the silence, while others chatter because they like the attention. People who talk more seek the approval that comes from being heard. They want to feel good about their opinions and contributions, so they often talk more than they listen.

If you spend time with someone who talks constantly but doesn’t listen (and doesn’t care if they interrupt others), you could be dealing with someone with low self-esteem. Because these chatty people lack confidence in their thoughts and ideas, they feel compelled to fill the silence with their voices — even at the expense of others.

On the other hand, people perceive good listeners as having high self-esteem because they don’t need validation from others. So, if you’re interested in building your self-confidence (and becoming less needy), work on listening more than talking. You don’t have to be the center of attention to command the respect of others. People love a good listener!

Listening is the key to learning
Listening is a path to learning from those who are more experienced. When you pause and open your ears and mind to what people say, you gain valuable insights that can enhance the quality of your life. In contrast, constant talk and chatter block out other people’s words, so you don’t learn new things or come up with novel ideas. When you have a conversation with someone, take something away from the conversation that you can apply to your own life. Listening is a path to discovery!

When you practice good listening skills, you’ll be better able to solve problems and build stronger relationships. If you want to be the best you can be, listen and learn. It’ll help you make better decisions in your life by learning from the experiences of others.

Listening helps resolve arguments and misunderstandings faster
If you’ve ever disagreed with a spouse or co-worker (and who hasn’t?), you know how frustrating it can be. Each side struggles to get its viewpoint across, and neither is listening. But if you listen to what the other person says, you can understand where they’re coming from and how they feel about a situation.

Once you gain greater insight and understanding, you can work together to find a solution that works for both of you. Listening also makes the other person feel heard and respected and reduces tension during an argument. It helps defuse stress and anger.

Being a good listener builds stronger relationships with others
When you listen more and talk less, you gain a deeper understanding of the feelings of others. People know and appreciate it when you listen to them at a deeper level. Doing so builds stronger relationships with the people you care about and work with.

Listening also builds trust and creates stronger bonds and friendships. You’ll also develop empathy for others’ perspectives and experiences, which will help you better connect with other people on an emotional level, so they feel more comfortable sharing ideas with you.

Being a good listener can open up new opportunities
Being a non-stop talker pushes people away, and they’re less likely to see you as a team player who works well with others. The conversation is about giving and taking, so each side can express an opinion. Being a good listener is a prerequisite for working well with businesses, organizations, and teams and can open up new opportunities for you. When you listen well and only offer thoughtful responses, you’re an asset, and people take notice.

Being a good listener has its own rewards and advantages. The ability to listen well can help you develop stronger relationships with others, gain new insights into yourself and others, and even improve your career prospects. Make a conscious effort to truly listen and not think about your next response. It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you want to be more persuasive, start by listening.

  Author: George J. Ziogas | Source | Photo Stockily Lic​


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