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Why Can’t You Meet “Your” Person On A Dating Sites?

Why Can’t You Meet “Your” Person On A Dating Sites?

​Love after 60… Some statistics.

I’ll start with someone you’ll never meet on dating sites.

There are no happy people because these resources are not of interest to them.

These people are happy in the family, they are not looking for anyone, their life is stable, the relationship is transparent and stable.  Surely someone will say, that does not happen. And I will answer, it happens!

But, such situations are more peculiar to the older generation, which is now for.. 55, 60, 70+

Here are the lines from the letter of a man living in Germany, and looking for a serious and stable family relationship with a Russian woman …    “Unfortunately, in recent decades in Russia, in many cases, family values and traditions are no longer the basis of living together – and many ethical and moral aspects have been lost”

But you are probably still wondering who lives on Russian dating sites, what opponents of both sexes want, and whether it is possible to meet your fate there.  How to “learn” from millions, one or one.

Ancient Chinese wisdom says:

“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,  despite time,  Place, and  Circumstances. It is easier to say who is destined to be together, they will definitely meet.  Is that true?

In February 2021, during the testing of the Mir payment system, analysts conducted a personal survey of respondents by questionnaire, a representative sample included 1200 people over 18 years old.

According to the head of the marketing research and analytics department of the Mir payment system, it turned out that

“The main audience of dating sites or apps are people 18-34 years old. At the same time, 33% of men said that they had ever met online – and only 30% of women. But more women believe that they have had a successful experience of such acquaintances – 47% against 44% for men. “

I want to note, from personal observations, that in the midst of the pandemic, the number of visitors to dating sites decreased by actually 55%.

What do we have left, which of these lucky ones can get the only chance?

According to network information, today more than 17% of marriages in the world begin with online dating, while every third person at least once met on the Web.

It would seem that the numbers of serious acquaintances are very impressive, however, in reality, not everything is so rosy and safe. And the goals of website visitors do not always pursue the Mendelssohn March.

In 2017, Kaspersky Lab and B2B International found that finding a person for a serious relationship is not the first for which people register on dating platforms. The statistics of the goals say the following:

  • for entertainment — 48%;
  • to find a pair — 19%;
  • for sex – 13%;
  • to marry and start a family – 11%.

And with 100 people, only 11 want to meet their life partner!

Information on divorce statistics is also interesting, although information is not given where, when, and by whom they were carried out. However, it is argued that among couples who met on the Internet, the number of marriage breaks does not exceed 6%. According to the statistics of real offline dating, families break up with a probability of 8%. The difference is small, but it is still there.

But who are they, the real inhabitants of the sites, let’s try to separate the wheat from the chaff, and finally find your pearl in the layer of soil and sand.

Only for those who are not critical, but critically, adequately, evaluates themselves, their appearance,  health, opportunities, prospects, mentality, and everything that can be subjected to some correction if they personally wish.

Age for 55+, someone considers the golden age of autumn, someone, the beginning of old age. We will not delve into the WHO indicators on the criteria for the onset of old age, because it is still more pleasant to see the research of scientists from the United States, where people are considered old at the age of 70 for men and from 73 for women.

And finally, about the main thing, on specific examples.

According to our representative sample of 1000 users of dating sites, more than 90% indicate false information about themselves! Both for men and women, especially after 50+, a “decrease” in age, height, weight is characteristic. Moreover, more than half of them do not plan to meet offline… The reasons may be different, depending on the purpose of stay on the sites, from entertainment to the complete discrepancy of external data stated in the questionnaire.

And as strawberries, a few examples of real dates of ladies with men from dating sites in reality.

Man 72 )) indicated the data on the site), as it turned out, a long-lived site, lives on it for more than 15 years, a widower, a resident of a large metropolis with a rich social status in the past, a photo on the avatar in half a turn, glasses in front of his eyes, a black medical mask on his face.  For a long time he “sorted” women, but then somewhere below “flickered”, invited a lady on a date.

But the meeting was fatal.  Madame noticed him immediately, but ran away, dropping her slippers… At the meeting, the “gentleman” did not fully match the photo, because he looked ungroomed and 15 years older, on his hands huge black woolen gloves without fingers, and moccasins like Daddy Karlo.

Next candidate.  A man in his 60s, well-groomed, made an appointment in the park.

Immediately said that he lives with his son, so he is looking for a woman with housing. Note, not a person for a relationship! The next day I called and appointed a “romantic” date… at home (!!!) at the woman I liked, while designating in the form of a rider – aroma candles, and light salads, but without cheese.. Finish!

Another example. A man over 60, according to muscovite, has his own housing. A date was set in the center of the hall in the subway.

A deeply elderly man came on a date, ungroomed, older than his age, with a “nest” on his head with a carpet coat and a mesh from the 70s from which a bag of milk and sausages could be seen and asked for a validol tablet. I had to save a man. The date didn’t happen.

Similar examples of lies and inconsistency of data specified in the questionnaires, a lot, in more detail we will consider in the following articles from other positions.

This is only a small fraction of the visual portrait “inconsistencies” of the cavaliers…

But as they say, not everything is so bad.

Still, there are positive prospects. Match Group reports that right now there are at least 600 million singles in the world who have free access to the Web. But at the same time, 400 million of them have never used sites or dating apps. The question is how much this 400 ml. their desires are adequate.

 Source | Image by Brandon Roberts from Pixabay ​


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