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We’ve Come A long Way and We Have A Long Way To Go

We’ve Come A long Way and We Have A Long Way To Go

We’ve learned a lot. We’ve created many amazing things.

We’ve figured out how to use natural resources in ingenious ways to provide for ourselves. To not only provide for ourselves, but to live a relatively comfortable lifestyle.

A middle class person living today enjoys more luxury than the richest person in the world did a century ago. Yet we still have billions of people struggling. Even in first world countries we have millions of people struggling to simply pay their rent or own a small house. Most of us have to slave away for decades under the rule of bosses and money lenders before we can own a modest home to live in.

We’ve come a long way economically (and socially). There are far fewer people living in poverty (per capita) than ever before. People live longer. More people can read and write. Violent crime has gone down. There are fewer major wars. Women and people of color have more rights (people in general have more rights). But with everything that we’ve accomplished we still have major gaps in lifestyle.

In other words, greed is still a major problem. There’s no easy fix. We need a market economy — we need capitalism. But we also need a spiritual revolution, where capitalism is seen as a way of serving humanity, rather than serving self. Not enough of us have come to the realization that our spiritual life and our service to others should be our priority.

We’re all in the business of serving others (except for thieves). But not everyone knows they are. Most people are merely doing a job — doing what the boss wants them to do, in order to keep getting paid.

There are even entrepreneurs who don’t realize that they’re in the business of serving people. Instead, they think they’re in the business of extracting money from people.

Satisfaction in the workplace, and in business, belongs to those who know their job is to provide a service to others. Especially when it’s something you’re uniquely gifted to do and that provides people with not merely what they want, but what they need.

  • What satisfaction is there in selling tobacco?
  • What satisfaction is there in merely being someone’s slave, abused by ungrateful clients?
  • What satisfaction is there in merely following an instruction manual?
  • What satisfaction is there in merely trading time and labor for money?
  • Are we here to merely survive?
  • Or are we here to learn something and be part of something bigger than ourselves?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay  


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