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The Truth About Soulmates | How to we Find Our Soulmate🎞️

Meeting Your Soulmate will Change Your Life❣️

Your soulmate makes you feel entirely whole, healed and intact, like no piece is missing from the puzzle. A life partner, on the other hand, can be a great supporter and long-time companion but is limited in his or her capacity to enrich your spirit.

“What’s the difference” I asked him. “Between the love of your life, and your soulmate?” One is a choice, and one is not.

A Famous writer once said, “A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are.”

When you find your soulmate, you find the essence of love and true companionship. In this new age world, social media boasts all sorts of different people. We tend to find ourselves going through more relationships than we’d like in order to find that special person to open your lock.

There is a difference between our other half/life partner and our soulmate. Your soulmate makes you feel entirely whole, healed and intact. It’s like nothing is missing from the puzzle. A life partner can be awesome, they can be great supporters and longtime companions. But it is limited to his or her capacity to enrich your spirit!

A lot of people remain with life partners simply because we SETTLE! The fear of being alone is and can be the main reason. As humans, it’s in our nature to fall in love, so pairing up is natural! It’s easy to mistaken a temporary relationship as forever! We can’t escape destiny and some relationships we’re meant to have. Yeah, you might even have kids with your partner but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re meant to stay with them. Because of our emotions, we sometimes stand in the way of our predestined path.

Most of us fall somewhere in between marrying your childhood love to people who struggle with commitment issues. However, we must all go through our own life experiences before finding the person we feel is our perfect match! Can you really avoid the inevitable? It really doesn’t matter whether you’re married, in a relationship, or about to start one, it’s best to know where this person fits in your story! Is this person your soulmate? Is this destiny? Or did you settle too fast and is with someone that doesn’t complete you?

Here’s how meeting your soulmate will change your life:

1) Its something familiar about them.

From the glance it’s something about them makes your heart jump! But not just in any way, it’s like a little spark in you that tells you this person is special! For a split second everything stops, it’s like a movie scene when you see each other across a crowded room. Overdramatic? I think not! There’s no better way to describe meeting the person that fits your every need.

2) You two just click:

Two people that are meant for each other aka soulmates, they can spend all day talking about any and everything. No conversation is dull! During the conversation, yall are literally finishing each other sentences! The gaze and happiness makes it hard for you two to break eye contact. The inside jokes are freaking legendary(well only to you two). The love y’all have for each other makes others sick. Because in public, even in a crowded stadium, all you two want is to be next to each other! your soulmate just gets you! The mental connection between the two is electric. The most amazing thing is you can absolutely, positively can be your self.

3) It sucks not being around your soulmate!

When I was younger, it would be letters written to each other after every class period. Or being on the phone literally every and all night long. Now we aren’t all fortunate to meet our soulmate in high school. But the ones that did know exactly where I’m coming from! For some reason hanging up and or saying goodbye was like sticking glass in your eyes.

4) “With the fire y’all make”

If you’re in a relationship with your soulmate, I bet it’s a little bit more passionate than your previous relationship? Everything seems a bit more intense, doesn’t it? From making love to the arguments the fire you to carry for each other is freaking amazing. When it’s good, it’s great! But when it’s bad, by God, watch out! these two pulls no punches! It’s a freaking no holds bar WWE match. Pride and bad decisions are two recipes for ending something so pure! Despite the huge fallout they never give up on each other.

5) Their flaws are your strengths!

When you don’t have it, your soulmate is right there for the assist. Their presence is what makes you feel whole! Your soulmate is everything that you’re not while being everything you wish you can be! If you’re an introvert that doesn’t like people, chances are they are the complete opposite. Their shoulder is always there for you to lean on. I find it funny how someone can be offering you some great advice that you don’t understand and boom they come in with the same words and it all suddenly makes sense. Life never skips a beat when you’re with them!

The truth is you really can’t know what a soulmate connection is unless you’ve experienced the feeling! My advice, if you ever get the honor of falling in love with your soulmate DON’T BLOW IT! This relationship is one for a lifetime!


Source | Featured image by: beate bachmann from Pixabay 


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